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Women Gain New Control Over Mammogram Discomfort

Women Gain New Control Over Mammogram Discomfort

Sep 12, 2017PAO-M09-17-NI-016

GE Healthcare gets FDA clearance for a remote control that allows patients to adjust compression pressure during exams.

GE Healthcare announced the availability of a new mammography imaging system that allows patients to adjust the compression of the image detectors in order to ease the discomfort and pain associated with breast exams. Featured on the new Senographe Pristina Dueta is a wireless remote control that allows women to adjust the pressure of the paddles on their breasts in real time and according to their own perceptions and pain thresholds, thus helping to alleviate a major source of discomfort, noted GE.

Dr. Kathy Schilling, Medical Director of the Boca Raton Regional Hospital’s Christine E. Lynn Women’s Health & Wellness Center and the radiologist who conducted a clinical review of the new tool, characterized the system as ushering in a “new age” in breast imaging. “Patients who used the remote control said the exam was more comfortable and they were visibly more relaxed. Any breast radiologist knows that when patients are relaxed, we are able to get better images and better images lead to a more confident diagnosis. My hope is that increasing comfort during the exam and giving patients the option of working with the technologist to set their own compression will increase compliance, enable early detection and improve outcomes.”

According to GE Healthcare, the mammography system has been redesigned to facilitate comfortable during exams. Besides the compression remote control, the imaging paddles have been made with rounded edges and are also thinner; armrests have also been added. “Mammograms can be uncomfortable or even painful,” said Agnes Berzsenyi, President and CEO of GE Healthcare Women’s Health. “GE Healthcare has transformed mammography with the creation of patient-assisted compression to decrease pain associated with the exam, improve patient experience and increase outcomes for breast cancer screening which we know saves lives.”


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