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Northway Biotechpharma has Successfully Implemented EU Funded R&D Project

Northway Biotechpharma has Successfully Implemented EU Funded R&D Project

Northway Biotechpharma

Northway Biotechpharma

Jul 18, 2019PR-M07-19-NI-058-2361

Northway Biotechpharma would like to announce that UAB “Biotechpharma” has implemented the project “Creation of pegylated alpha 5 interferon”, financed according to the Operational Programme for The European Union Funds Investments for 2014-2020, Priority No. 1 “Promotion of scientific researches, experimental development and innovation”, No. J05-LVPA-K “Intelektas. Bendri mokslo – verslo projektai” invitation No 1. “Biotechpharma” has received 507.184,09 EUR support from the European Union Funds for implementation of the project.

During the implementation UAB “Biotechpharma” people developed the form of pegylated interferon IFNa5; firstly, IFNa5 pegylation technology was developed, later pegylated protein IFNa5 was created. The meaning of protein pegylation is that the pegylated protein form is more stable, more effective while treating some genetic types of hepatitis C virus, it is possible to create the form of prolonged action drug, which is better than conventional pharmaceutical forms. Implementation of this project will undoubtedly allow the company to expand its product and service portfolio, successfully commercialize R&D results and become a competitive world-class biopharmaceutical company.

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