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New Approach by Novo Nordisk Ties Pricing to Patient Behavior

New Approach by Novo Nordisk Ties Pricing to Patient Behavior

Apr 26, 2018PAO-M04-18-NI-017

Diabetes patients can earn discounts by demonstrating medication adherence.

Danish drug manufacturer Novo Nordisk is involved in a pilot program to see if offering prescription drug discounts can improve patient behavior. The company is working with Sempre Health, which designs point-of-sale dynamic discounts and SMS-based engagement to incentivize healthy behaviors. In the pilot study, patient with diabetes can earn lower copays for their prescriptions if they meet certain goals, such as filling prescriptions on time and taking drugs as prescribed.

This approach is made possible by the technology platform developed by Sempre. It functions in conjunction with the established healthcare system. Health plans opt into the program and drug manufacturers add their treatments. The health plans then select which drugs to make available through the program, and patients who meet the goals automatically get discounts. Sempre also sends reminders via text to patients that opt-in.

According to Rich DeNunzio, vice-president of market access strategy and innovation for Novo Nordisk, the Sempre system “alters the benefit design, reducing the out-of-pocket cost for patients, while at the same time increasing adherence to drive down total cost of care.” 

It also fits with two of Novo Nordisk’s three pillars of innovation directed at addressing pricing challenges: transforming the complex pricing environment and reducing patient costs (the third is creating more price predictability).


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